The Sudbury Woodworking Studio | Mining Industrial Photographer James Hodgins
Yesterday I found myself at The Wood Working Studio in Sudbury Ontario after meeting owner/operator Tyler Depatie at a trade show a couple of weeks earlier. After discussing each others trades, trials and tribulations (say that 5 times fast) I knew I had to see what his Studio looked like and and take a closer look at some of the creations he manufactures. I was blown away with his craftsmanship, organizational skills and all around layout of his Wood Working Studio and not to mention the different types of wood he kept pulling out of every corner of his studio. Wood from different Countries, wood that I will probably never have seen in my lifetime, wood that feels heavier than some metal, and wood with grain patterns so unique you think it wasn’t real. Take the time and visit The Woodworking Studio’s Facebook Page and Website not only to see some of his creations but also to emphasize the power of social media marketing and networking, something else we discussed throughout my visit.
Thanks again Tyler for giving me the tour, some education, inspiration and the chance to quickly photograph you.
Check out The Woodworking Studio on Social Media (Choose your poison)
Facebook Page