How Dirty Is It? | Mining Industrial Photographer James Hodgins
I often get asked how dirty is it working underground. It’s Dirty. Very Dirty. In fact, it’s the dirtiest environment I work in. I mean, you are surrounded by dirt, all around you, above and below. You touch something, you get dirt on you. Dust particles are flying around everywhere, water could be dripping and sometimes the air is so humid you sweat just thinking about it. The camera gear takes a beating (never remove a lens from the camera when underground), my light stands get caked with gunk, my ThinkTank Bag has gone through multiple wheels and let’s not mention what happens if something falls into what I like to call “The pancake batter puddle” LOL. In the end though you learn to deal with the situations that arise while on the job and while 200ft below the surface is no different than 2000 ft, each shoot is exciting and challenging at the same time.