Sometimes It’s A Glorified Snapshot. | James Hodgins Mining Industrial Photographer
While I am on site creating images that my clients require for their proposals, financial reports, websites or whatever the media is, I will also keep my eyes pealed for those “instagram” type scenarios. These images are not the bread and butter images used to showcase the full potential of the company but instead are used as “fillers” throughout their social media spectrum. To me, the proper photography term for these photos is “snapshot”. They are created on the fly where all you do is lift the camera and capture the moment you see it because after a few seconds the scenario is gone. These scenes are things we photographers see day in and day out and there are hundreds of them happening every day on the site that most people would not even consider a second look or thought. So the next time I am on site for your company, ask me to grab a few dozen of these “snapshots” for you to use in the upcoming months. No they do not have the same impact as my regular concept photography but they do serve a purpose with your companies social media branding.