Industrial Repairs With Rahnmet
Rahnmet ( has been repairing steel, cast iron and bronze parts for over 90 years and I got to see the process first hand while I visited their shop located in North Bay Ontario back in late 2018.
Rahnmet ( has been repairing steel, cast iron and bronze parts for over 90 years and I got to see the process first hand while I visited their shop located in North Bay Ontario back in late 2018.
I tend to get distracted while doing the most mundane task like digging an image out of my archives. I usually spend a copious amount of time looking through my other images of past clients that I have long forgotten about. Like the image below that I created for Pioneer Construction in 2012. So as I am looking for an image for one client, I tend to get distracted by my other clients images and time tends to spiral out of control. What I do like about this situation is that I get to see which images can stand the test of time and still be used today.
When you have total darkness and I mean where there is no light at all so when you hold your hand 2 inches from your face you still don’t see jack you really don’t need all that much light to illuminate things. I find a lot of photographers (and other people in the photography/industrial industry) have a misconception when it comes to equipment needed vs equipment ego. Learned many moons ago after testing, reviewing and practicing that light is light. One flash or strobe does the same thing as any other light source, it illuminates. I get many emails and messages from other people asking which equipment they should buy and I tell them all the same thing………….”it’s not about the equipment, but how you use it.” If you ask me how much each of my flashes cost I will tell you under $50. Yup. Oh I have expensive lights that I have bought years ago that costs thousands of dollars but over the years I have noticed 1 key factor with them and that is they do the exact same thing as my $50 flashes. The only difference is the googaws. Googaws – the little bells & whistles that come with newer equipment that do nothing different if you know what you are doing. Just like my $50 flashes, they do exactly what is needed, they flash.
When looking at Professional photography one should look for the end product result, the experience the photographer created while on site, the professionalism and lastly the cost.
Yesterday I found myself at The Wood Working Studio in Sudbury Ontario after meeting owner/operator Tyler Depatie at a trade show a couple of weeks earlier. After discussing each others trades, trials and tribulations (say that 5 times fast) I knew I had to see what his Studio looked like and and take a closer look at some of the creations he manufactures. I was blown away with his craftsmanship, organizational skills and all around layout of his Wood Working Studio and not to mention the different types of wood he kept pulling out of every corner of his studio. Wood from different Countries, wood that I will probably never have seen in my lifetime, wood that feels heavier than some metal, and wood with grain patterns so unique you think it wasn’t real. Take the time and visit The Woodworking Studio’s Facebook Page and Website not only to see some of his creations but also to emphasize the power of social media marketing and networking, something else we discussed throughout my visit.
Thanks again Tyler for giving me the tour, some education, inspiration and the chance to quickly photograph you.
Check out The Woodworking Studio on Social Media (Choose your poison)
Facebook Page
At the request from one of my clients I had to go back into the 2012 archives and retrieve a few images so I thought I would post one of them. This was from a Hydro One Photoshoot that featured one of their employees in their in house magazine. Location was Manitoulin Island (Outside of Sudbury Ontario) near Bay Of Finn.
Sudbury Mining industrial photographer is based out of the mining Province of Ontario Canada.
Here is another chance I had to photograph an industrial worker that has never had his portrait created while working. I hope he enjoys the photo as much as I had creating it.
Sudbury Mining industrial photographer is based out of the mining Province of Ontario Canada.
While I was photographing out of the Country I had the opportunity to capture some creative portraits of miners, industrial workers and tradesmen/women. Some of them have NEVER had their portrait taken…………ever. They were all smiles when I put them in front of the camera just like this fellow below. His smile was from ear to ear when I asked if he would like a portrait in front of the truck he works on. He told me it was up to him to keep this truck running. He was proud.
Mining industrial photographer is based out of the mining Province of Ontario Canada.
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“There are just some things you shouldn’t use your Smartphone for! Image is vitally important and therefore any company photo’s & industrial portfolio should depict that “splash” of quality only a professional can capture.
While on location I try to photograph all aspects of the operations including people, facilities, processes and products. These images are then used for the clients Annual Reports, Website, Investor Fact Sheets, Blog Posts, Trade show Materials and Presentations.
Everyone wants to have enjoyable holidays with family and friends this holiday season.
Mining industrial photographer is based out of the mining Province of Ontario Canada.
Recently I posted some “behind the camera” images taken of my while on my shoot for Dumas Mining. Here is the finished image I was creating of this underground scoop.
Mining industrial photographer is based out of the mining Province of Ontario Canada.
If you wish to start a dialogue and discuss your project simply contact me via phone, email or my contact form.