Now That’s A Tool | North Bay Industrial Photography
You might just have to be a Super Man to lug around this heavy duty pipe wrench.
You might just have to be a Super Man to lug around this heavy duty pipe wrench.
Last week I had the opportunity to travel to Manitouwadge Ontario to create images for Manroc Developments. We covered their undreground operations including their Alimak Raise Climber at Barrick Gold’s Williams Mine as well as some fabrication processes at their multiple industrial shops in the town of Manitouwadge. The Alimak is an interesting piece of equipment (from Manroc’s Site) The Alimak method raises between levels in a safe and effective manner. Drilling, loading and blasting are all performed from the platform of the Raise Climber, which is adapted to fit the precise dimensions and shape of the raise. Furthermore, the Alimak Raise Climber implements a rack and pinion rail, designed to carry air and water for increased ventilation.
I always enjoy photographing the Alimak and this time was no different. It can be a challenge in some locations especially if it’s over an open area but this time I got to get up close and personal at ground level.
Here is a different image from past shoot of the Alimak
Alimak Raise Climber 1
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The silence gets broken every few minutes as the scoop keep coming and going illuminating the path as it proceeds by me.
It was just too hot to get any closer with my camera or I take the risk of melting something including myself.
Now that 2016 is in full swing in the mining industrial sectors it’s time to start thinking about this years marketing materials and online portfolio. Trade show season is only a few months away and you don’t want to leave it until the last minute so you are scrambling for images for your presentations, trade show booths, investor reports and online updates. A full day shoot can yield high quality “wow factor” images that can be used throughout the year without repeating the use of images. I will work directly with your creative marketing team to formulate a shoot schedule and scenario list that would work best for your company.
James Hodgins from Sudbury Ontario is a professional Mining Industrial Commercial photographer with over 20 years experience.
A Sudbury Platinum Corp geologist carefully stacks core samples at the snow covered drill site. Snow and cold weather can be an inconvenience but Winter waits for no one in the mining industry.
Sudbury Mining industrial photographer is based out of the mining Province of Ontario Canada.
Depending on the environment you see it in, the bucket from a dragline can look pretty small when you compare it to the beast it’s attached to, but when you get up close and personal with it (like doing repairs) you quickly realize it’s a giant among men.
Sudbury Mining industrial photographer is based out of the mining Province of Ontario Canada.
In the Mining/Industrial fields there is a fine line between an artistic and profitable image that companies use. With image editing software at everyone’s fingertips I am noticing a lot of images that are “over processed” in post editing. Anyone can do it, usually it’s a click of a button in any editing software or phone app. Now I am not saying this is a bad thing, heck I have some images in my portfolio that some consider over processed (and I agree) but these images were used for a specific purpose and 90% of the time are used for my own personal motives.
What I am seeing though is entire websites with over processed, painterly, HDR images. These might look great and I know they look amazing on your walls as an “art piece” but it does draw away from what the image actually represents which should be an accurate depiction of your products, staff, processes and facilities when placed in your website galleries and marketing material. Stick with the basics of good lighting, exposures and subject matter and you can’t go wrong.
Artistic plugin added. Great for personal use but not for marketing materials.
Sudbury Mining industrial photographer is based out of the mining Province of Ontario Canada.
While I was photographing some time laps images this transport driver pulled up in front of me. I couldn’t resist creating a portrait of his rig for him.
Mining industrial sudbury photographer is based out of the mining Province of Ontario Canada.
Cleaning my archives out for 2014 I thought I would post my favorite photo I posted from each month. I had a great year re-connecting with past clients and starting some strong business relationships with new clients.
I created this photo specifically for this caption. Taken in Kirkland Lake Ontario
The Official Opening of Vale’s Totten Mine Sudbury
Another Cover Shot For Mining & Construction Magazine.
Cover image for Modern Mining & Technology
Covering the Northern Mine Rescue Competition
Being a part of the Dumas Crew again.
Kicking off the end of the year working with New Client Joy Global
Thanks to all my past clients. Looking forward to this years operations.
If you wish to start a dialogue and discuss your project simply contact me via phone, email or my contact form.