My What A Big Box You Have
The bigger the better I always say! There is no denying that this Joy Global Haul truck has an “in your face” big box.
The bigger the better I always say! There is no denying that this Joy Global Haul truck has an “in your face” big box.
Komatsu Mining Corp was recently announced as one of America’s Safest Companies in 2018 by EHS Today
Read the all details here at AMERICAS SAFEST COMPANIES
Up close and personal with Joy Global (Komatsu) at the Norcat Underground Facility just outside of Sudbury, Ontario.
Again I found myself face to face with my favorite piece of mining machinery to date………….the Jumbo. I don’t know what it is about this drill that get’s me excited. I think it’s because out of the countless times I have photographed it I have yet to run out of ideas on how to position it. I would love to have a day of just placing and photographing a jumbo. No shot list, no testing, just me and the Jumbo (and operator) and anything goes.
The DR-1SB hydraulic jumbo drill, a single-boom hydraulic rig, is designed for drilling vertical, horizontal and angled holes in underground production or development headings. The DR-1SB has boom coverage of 5.46 m by 5.46 m (17’11” by 17’11”) and inner and outer turning radius’ of 4.19 m (13’9”) and 6.48 m (21’3”), respectively.
The DR-1SB features the Intelsense drilling control system, which includes the following features:
The DR-1SB also includes robust drilling and carrier hydraulics that feature variable displacement piston pumps; specifically:
Even though we were in a back parking lot within an industrial park yesterday morning Mother Nature gave us a great sunrise to work with. With hues of orange and purples cresting the horizon the 4LD had it’s final session it was transported to it’s final destination.
Here is a quick sneak peak at one of the images I created this Wednesday with the Joy Global 4LD at the Norcat Facility in Onaping. I enjoy photographing equipment when it comes straight off the productive line as it’s still fairly clean and shiny with just a hint of wear and tear from the drive in.
Inspection of your teeth is not just in the comfort of your own home. Letting a tooth wear for too long on your bucket will decrease your machines digging performance and may even lead to excess wear on the edge of the bucket.
Sudbury Ontario Photographer James Hodgins #miningphotog
I enjoy getting snailmail. When I come home from shooting and I see something sticking out of the mailbox, a little bit of joyful glee comes over me when I realize it’s an industry magazine. I take my time going through each page reading the articles and enjoying the photography of others in the industry but in the back of my head I am hoping to see one of my images being used every time I flip the page. It’s not about me, but more about my clients. I enjoy the fact that they are using my images for what they were intended for in the proper marketing media.
Here are a few images that were recently in the latest issue of for writeups on 2 of my clients Joy Global and Dumas Mining
Contact James Hodgins Mining Industrial Photographer today for Professional photography to showcase your company tomorrow.
Either before the shoot starts or when it finishes I always like to create a nice Portrait of my subjects while in the shop. It’s a way for me to say “Thank You” for being a part of the shoot. I hope he likes it.
James Hodgins is a Mining Industrial Photographer based out of Sudbury Ontario Canada
If you wish to start a dialogue and discuss your project simply contact me via phone, email or my contact form.