Photos are simple.
They are easy to create and for most it’s as basic as pressing one button and voila, you have an image of the scene you wanted to capture. We scroll through hundreds of images on our social media feeds and only stop on the ones that catch our eye or our interests. Sometimes, that is all that is needed to grab someones attention. Sure it could be the title or even some of the copy associated with the image, but mostly it’s because of the picture. Eye catching images compliment content. It’s as simple as that. Yes, sometimes the images is used once and only once and then it is forgotten, but that is what all social media is comprised of so it is important in your marketing, branding, and social media to have images that stand out, catch your customers eyes and intrigue them to take the next step and read what you have to say about your company. Does it work? Yes it does. How do I know? Because I have built a career creating images for your industry.