I get asked this often and to be honest, I don’t have just one, I have hundreds. Some images are planned, some images are candid and some images are a one shot deal. The most satisfying captures happen when I pre-plan for a scenario that is a “one-shot”deal and everything falls into place exactly like I planned for.
This image below for example that I captured in 2019. A routine gold pour but since we were on a timeline it was a one shot deal. I could only place the camera in this position for safety reason and we had to remain just outside the gold pour. I knew that the pour would illuminate the room from one side with a beautiful orange glow but I needed to highlight the attendants as well to keep the focus on them as well as the pour.
For such a tight space and minimum time/lighting, I captured the image I planned for.
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The MiningPhotog Experience ~ www.miningindustrialphotographer.com/experience.
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