Came across an article I wrote in 2012 in regards to quality vs expectations.
A quality photograph is much more than a click of the shutter, but today’s society is programmed to think otherwise in my opinion. Just look at the cellphone cameras with all the photo manipulation apps. Photographing in the Mining/Industrial fields I am constantly faced with educating my clients about what it takes to create an Eye Popping High Impact image.
On the job site my subjects really don’t have the time to wait around for the photographer to get things setup and the longer it takes, the more impatient they become. I always get the “Can’t you just take a quick snap?”
The mining/industrial employers that hire me know the difference (that’s why they hire me) but the employees always need more convincing since the information very rarely get’s passed down the chain of command. Don’t be shy to SHOW your clients the difference between a good photograph and a bad one. Include this in your marketing materials, on your website and even during the shoot. This has a HUGE impact on their expectations. Once they SEE the difference, they are more inclined to give you the time you need to create the quality of image you are known for.
I quickly took a snapshot with my point and shoot camera so that I could show them the difference at the shoot. I still see a lot of professional companies using point and shoot snapshots for their marketing materials so don’t be shy to educate your clients about the process of creating your high impact images.
Note: This image was created using 3 Lumopro flashes with Pocket Wizards, A Canon 5dMarkII with a 24-105 lens.
James Hodgins
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