Besides creating custom photography for my mining industrial clients I also provide insight into social media, marketing and branding. I LOVE talking shop but more so marketing your business within social media. I have been blogging since 2010 on a regular basis, promoted and branded several of my business’s and I am highly motivated to share with you things I have learned over the past decade. Recently I had the chance to online chat with Anthony at Mine Safety Solutions about some social media marketing already MSS is increasing their online traffic and exposure. I also created some custom images for him to increase traffic to his social feeds using my new gloves as the subject.
“I recommend anyone that’s in the Sudbury area to reach out to James, could really boost up your business. Great to work with, as well if your just starting out like myself will give you some great advice with social media. Thank you again for your help James” Anthony Gilin ~ Mine Safety Solutions
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