I was contacted by the Globe and Mail last month to create a few images for articles on Mining Automation along with testing at Sudbury’s Northern Centre for Advanced Technology (Norcat). For images used in featured articles and cover photos there is always some planning involved on how the image should look and feel while placed within the layout of the accompanied text. Just as important as the Title of the article a strong image will peak the viewers interest to read the subject matter.
A professional photographer with experience in the mining industry will get the job done with as much efficiency as possible while underground while still maintaining all safety standards required/expected while on location. It’s not about the equipment the photographer uses (even wedding photographers have great equipment) but how well they know the industry, the environment and the needs of the client. They will research the company, the product and past articles on the subject to ensure the images created will have symmetry with the text and view point the author is trying to convey.
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